Abria Joseph - One Fire Fest
Abria Joseph - One Fire Fest
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Abria Joseph

Abria has been in pursuit as many have been about living the Dream, a Dream Life, with a Dream Job and a Dream way of being. His studies and practices within yoga asana are, and have always been the foundation of his healing and therapeutic practices. Initially the discipline and passion for competitive sports led to great triumphs and great injuries alike. While healing and traveling, his interest in breath work, meditation, and sound healing gave space for the desire to be more focused towards community and collaborations with other great people living their passions. The continuous study of health and wellness at Bastyr University, where he studied Exercise Science and Wellness supported his 20 years of teaching yoga & the study of health & wellness as a lifestyle business now known as Pranaforce Yoga. Currently he hosts classes, workshops and Teacher Trainings with his Yoga Alliance school Pranaforce Yoga. The dozens of countries and cities Abria teaches and practices in, is possible because of his great connections and friends that he has met while traveling around the world over the past 15 years. This community led him to more premier public speaking forums including his TEDx Talks that have been shared in Holland in 2014 and Thailand in 2015. The beautiful vision of grounding down & creating a foundation in Maui Hawaii is unfolding for 2018 & provide space for friends & students to visit the events that are going to be hosted in Hawaii as well as other locations internationally.